Warning: The information you’ll find in this article is based on speculation, not on objectively proven fact.


Will the government ever confirm aliens exist? Will we ever see disclosure? What do aliens look like? Are large-hairy-nude upright earth dwellers like Bigfoot cross-dimensional aliens living in our backyard? Are these hybrid Nephilim the offspring of human/alien breeding experiments gone wrong? The government will not debunk neither confirm the existence of extraterrestrial species because they know the truth, the authoritative cabal knows that hyper-advanced humanoid-like aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years, since time immemorial. The super-powered Anunnaki of ancient Sumer seeded us through highly sophisticated methods of genetic engineering, it was them who created the hair-covered Sasquatch, which is called Enkidu in the famed Epic of Gilgamesh. They have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. The technology of these off-world visitors is so incredibly advanced that they can bend the time-space continuum, they can travel into-and-out of our physical reality at will, they could shut us down if they wanted to. Basically, the elusive humanlike Bigfoots roaming the woods of North America are not really extraterrestrials but metaterrestrials or ultraterrestrials, since they dwell in another spatial dimension parallel to ours, realms the human eye cannot see. The key to understanding perceivable Bigfoot and UFOs is found in quantum mechanics and expansion of consciousness.

Fur-covered heavily-muscled bipedal Bigfoot is not a mountain gorilla or an apelike being, all-too-real flesh-and-blood/trans-dimensional Bigfoot is a super-intelligent humanlike being that can calibrate his frequency and density at will, they have limited teleportation abilities and can vanish into thin air, Sasquatch is essentially a spirit entity that can travel between worlds and appear completely solid and physical. Native Americans regard supernatural Bigfoot with great respect.

It is clear, more rhan clear, that seven-foot-tall Bigfoot is not ill-intentioned toward humans, at least for the most part. On October 20, 1967 two real-deal-cowboys named Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin had a close encounter with a female Bigfoot by the banks off Bluff Creek in northern California’s Six River national forest. Somehow the rodeo rider of Yakima Washington Roger Patterson managed to grab his video camera to film the hair-covered bipedal figure. The single minute of grainy video footage is a fascinating piece of film, it looks 100 % natural and has a fluid motion, the video clip has been dismissed by the so-called scientific community as a whole.

The shaky video shows a tall broad-shouldered female Bigfoot walking from the left, she has a tendency to a pointed head or a cone-shaped head, her sort of flattened face has remarkable human features. The muscular long-limbed Bigfoot calmly glances back over its shoulder toward the astonished men, as if implying that she wants to be seen before dissapearing into the woods. The hairy upright creature with no visible neck has her back sort of hunched, she has trapezius muscles of massive size, her head and torso are pushed foward, she has large swaying arms.

Basically, the walking female Bigfoot who has been nicknamed Patty, chose to appear before two Bigfoot researchers in a heavily forested area of northern California, an image speaks a thousand words. On January 15, 1972 Roger Patterson died of cancer, as if the sighting accursed him somehow, almost as if he’s been impacted with military non-lethal electro-magnetic pulsed directed energy weapons (or something along that line). In other words: If your short film turns a local folk legend into an international pop culture phenomenon, you pay with your life. Beyond the shadow of a doubt there is an intermediate species, other intelligent humanlike species of animal-style consciousness living on our planet and beyond, they possess enhanced intuition and intelligence plus supernatural strength and vitality. They appear as a warning from the creator that men has upset the balance and harmony of existence. The place of abode of these otherworldly beings is another spatial dimension parallel to ours, another realm, a lot of myths are straight history.

Here’s the million dollar question: How come Bigfoot chose to appear in North America on October 20, 1967? Could it be possible, is it conceivable, that Bigfoot, the embodiment of Gaia, is trying to warn us about an existential threat? Could it be possible that primitive-looking Bigfoot is giving us a heads up? The Israel-Hamas war which started on October 7, 2023, one day after the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur war, will inevitably lead to World War III. The escalating Russia-Ukraine Israel-Hamas war will involve tectonic weaponry, secret military technology that can set off artificial-calibrated earthquakes remotely in designated locations, through pulsed modulated waves (equivalent to a nuclear weapon in space). Ironically, Bigfoot’s iconic appearance in northern California occurs on October 20, 1967, right after the brief Six-Day War of June 5-10, 1967, which gave Israel access to the Old City of Jerusalem. This is highly significant because the Temple Mount, the holiest site of the Jewish religion, contains the Foundation Stone or Eben Sh’tya, the place from which God allegedly created the world. The Qubbat al-Sakhra encased in the gold-capped Dome of the Rock mosque is a gateway, an inter-dimensional portal that’s linked to the all-emcompassing Anunnaki goddess of love and war, Lilith. Basically, the Haram al-Sharif complex is sacred ground, it is the gate to a deep underground alien base.

(Queen of the Night relief, rectangular terracotta plaque in high relief of the Isin-Larsa period of ancient Babylon, British museum of London)

So, apparently a hairy female Bigfoot appeared in northern California to let us know that the sacred stone of Lilith, in Jerusalem, will ignite World War III. It is not a secret that on the High Holidays observant Jews invoke the great and holy name of Dicarnosa, the goddess of flesh or the goddess who devours flesh.

“Rather will we continue doing what we had proposed; we will burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out libations to her, as we and our fathers, our kings and princes have done in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem.”

(Jeremiah 44:17)

Conclusions: We cannot prove that a female Bigfoot anticipated World War III, but it is an eerie coincidence that she shows up on October 20, 1967, right after the Third Arab-Israeli war in 1967. It is as if she’s telling us:

“You stupid humans, you think I’m a man-shaped animal, a beast? I’ve been here longer than you, I’ve been in this planet way before the Anunnaki bio-engineers created you in Sumer and gave you your stupid-f*cking religions, so that you butcher each other like gladiators in the Roman Colosseum. Back in the days when Anu-Enlil instigated the cataclysmic deluge, we survived, we’re Nephilim hybrids. We’ve been living in remote forested areas alongside you for a very long time.”

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