
Monthly Archives: December 2019

Warning: You may see advertisements partially covering the page content, the government is doing that deliberately to sabotage my article.


“It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell except on who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name.”

(Revelation 13:16-17)

The global elite came up with a master plan to implant every person on planet earth with a biometric ID: Coronavirus disease 2019. In March 2020 corporate mainstream media started bombarding people’s minds with news of a global pandemic, a highly contagious respiratory infection that originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. The invisible enemy was called Covid-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2. It was as if an alien had traveled through a wormhole and landed on earth.

Thousands of people died, mostly fragile-elderly people with compromised immune systems. We were told we had to wear face masks as a safety requirement and we were ordered to keep social distancing, avoidance of close contact settings. We were also told to stay home, quarantined, isolated. Society on lockdown! All of the sudden citizens ended up in virtual concentration camps with civil liberties gone to hell. People’s perception of reality was flipped over as if time was longer running in a linear fashion, they became zombies living in a mixed-reality simulation. The fear of contamination redefined people’s relationship with public space.

the economist

The puppet masters, they create the problem and then they offer a solution: the clinically approved CDC-FDA vaccine that operates as an immunity passport. What exactly is this vaccine? What’s in it? The famous vaccine is an NIH-Darpa implant coded to the neural signature, a non-removable biometric ID that enables electronic brain link. The Covid- flu shot is classified military nanotechnology that resonates with our bio-frequency, neurotech that law enforcement agencies will use to track and monitor us at all times. Every human gives off their own bioelectric magnetic resonate frequency which corresponds with their biometric ID.

The vaccine contains conductive nanoparticles, nano-neuroparticulate agents that accumulate in the brain and resonate with trance state frequencies. The brain becomes an EMF broadcast antenna that enables direct neural interface, a transmitter-receiver, brain to computer interface. The vaccinated individual becomes a neuro-modified cyborg system, a plugged in unit. The high-tech militarized police can tap into his channel and track him anytime-anywhere, they can pinpoint his location and coordinates with mathematical precision.

Law Enforcement agencies aligned with a militant medical establishment will use this futuristic-otherwordly technology to hack people’s brains without their knowledge or consent, they can remotely stimulate areas of the brain affecting brain chemistry and bodily functions. Thoughts and emotional states are be decoded in digital format and uploaded to the government’s quantum supercomputer, creating digitally evoked potentials and algorithms. This pred-pol software predicts behavior based on past choices, this is an intelligence gathering tool, the mind is no longer an autonomous zone. Basically, if a person is designated as a potential threat, even without solid legal reason, he will be harassed and tortured with military non-lethal electro-magnetic pulsed directed energy weapons, with remotely delivered directed energy assaults. This is cell tower-digital beamforming technology that creates microwave bullets that can be lethal. The bio-coded directed energy can kill a locked-on target slow motion, this futuristic-otherworldly technology generates no forensic evidence.

This is why the authoritative global cabal is so desperate to put that vaccine in us, because they want to turn us into mind-controlled slaves. We’re talking here about wireless linkage of brains, quantum computers interconnected with surveillance, security, and information gathering networks, a data driven machine. The AI collects data, directs security systems and controls all databases in a centralized system. By 2045 every person on planet earth will be on remote neuro monitoring, 6G neural net is here and is here to stay.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt Coronavirus is a multi-national collaborative project, the great reset. The big picture: The Covid-19 health emergency is here to redefine what it means to be human, the neurotech alters dna and therefore behavior. Freedom? Liberty? Democracy? Democracy will be something of the past, legalized-electronic mind rape will be the new normal. Your unique brain wave signature will be trafficked amongst multi-agency intelligence sharing networks in non-local cyber space.


YouTube lecture of Dr. James Giordano Ph.D.:

Brain Science From Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons / CGSR Seminar.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, video posted on 08/29/2017:

Warning: The information you’ll find here is based on speculation and not on objectively proven fact.


So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty-years-old and you have seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.”

(John 8:57-58)

Will the government ever confirm aliens exist? Will we ever see disclosure? The government will not debunk neither confirm the existence of extraterrestrial species because they know the truth. The authoritative cabal knows that hyper-advanced trans-dimensional humanoid-like aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years, since time immemorial. The technology of these off-world visitors is so incredibly advanced that they can bend the time-space continuum, they can travel into-and-out of our physical reality at will, they could shut us down if they wanted to. Some theorists have speculated that ancient aliens are time-traveling humans from the distant future. Basically, they are not really extraterrestrials but ultraterrestrials since they dwell in another spatial dimension parallel to ours, another domain. The key to understanding UFOs is found in quantum mechanics and expansion of consciousness.

There are several centuries-old historical artworks, rock carvings that contain alien symbols, forensic evidence of ancient alien visitation. There is a most interesting and intriguing rock engraving in Valcamonica in Lombardy in northern Italy that depicts two humanoid-like aliens next to a flower-shaped square-looking spaceship. The ancient prehistoric petroglyphs were left by an ancient civilization in Italy of Indo-European heritage that dwelled in the central Alps, possibly of Etruscan origin. Among the most famous and controversial figures between the thousands of images are ‘The astronauts.’ Both anthropomorphic figures face left, the two figures wear a globed-shaped helmet and protective suits, they’re linked to a four-sided plasmic-looking UFO.

The human-like ultraterrestrials hold two tools in their hands, they have a halo around their entire head, their bio-helmets with shining lights seem to represent a brain implant or computerized ship that allows adaptability to the vibratory frequency of earth. The bird-headed figure standing under the glowing spaceship has three rays coming out of the left side of the helmet and five rays out of the right side, indicating that this is a cross-dimensional entity. The three glowing protrusions pointing outward represent three-dimensional space, our rock-solid tangible-verifiable physical reality, the five represent the fifth dimension, a spiritual dimension that’s invisible to the human naked eye. Basically, this humanoid-like alien wearing a bio-engineered helmet and a protective suit is capable of calibrating his frequency and density at will, he can travel into-and-out of our world through a wormhole or portal.

The victorious-looking figure standing in a rising posture appears to be levitating, he has his arms raised to the level of the shoulders, he holds two tools in his hands. The tool in the left hand looks like a sword but it is not a sword, the trident-looking tool in his right hand is the most important. If we pay close attention we’ll see that the one in the left hand is a visual representation of a corroded Roman-era iron nail, like the nails used to crucify the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth. The three-pointed tool held in the right hand symbolizes a crucifix, a wooden cross. Basically, the astute artist who created this rock art thousands of years ago seemed to remote-view into the future, he left us a decipherable clue.

It is safe to say that the two anthropomorphic figures displayed in the Unesco World heritage site of Valcamonica in northern Italy are time-traveling aliens that today would be considered angels. Whoever made those rock engravings knew that in the distant future Rome would become the regional power in Italy and eventually a world superpower, he knew that the Roman emperor Constantine the Great (306-337 A.D.) would make Christianity the dominant religion of Europe.

Last but not least, the cross-shaped unidentified flying object hovering next to the two aliens is not a nuts-and-bolts spacescraft, it is a plasma-like organism that seems to glow with electro-magnetism. The four-sided UFO has a light beam pointing downward like tractor beam used to abduct contactees. The flower-looking spaceship is reminiscent of the symbol of the pre-Christian Mesopotamian god Shamash, supreme deity of the Anunnaki pantheon. All-powerful Shamash is equivalent to the great architect venerated by the Freemasons, he is represented with a four-pointed star in the shape of a cross with four flames shooting out from between the star point, in a wheel enclosure. We must conclude that our caveman ancestors were much smarter than we thought, they knew about trans-dimensional aliens and about parallel worlds. We have much to learn from them!

(The eight-pointed star of the Mesopotamian Sun god Shamash)

Before you read this article: please understand that I am not by any means a professional writer, I’m simply a mediocre writer into alternative research.

“Serial killers do, on a small scale, what Governments do on a large one. They are a product of the times and these are blood-thirsty times.”

(the words of the American serial killer Richard Ramirez, 02/29/1960-06/07/2013)


Something Dantesque happened in Dallas, Texas on 09/06/2018. That night a 30-year old police officer named Amber Guyger shot and killed an innocent man who was minding his own business in the privacy of his home. The tragedy took place at the South Side Flats on the 1200 block of S. Lamar Street. The victim’s name? Botham Jean, a 26-year old accountant who worked for a company named PwC. It turns out that Amber Guyger and Botham Jean were neighbors, they lived in the same building but in different floors. Guyger’s apartment was on the third floor, directly below Jean’s apt on the fourth floor.

Amber Rene Guyger was a four year veteran of the Dallas Police force. The night of 09/06/2018 was a regular night just like any other night. After a 12-hour shift Amber Guyger drove home, she was exhausted and needed to relax. She parked on the fourth floor of the apartment complex’s garage. From there she unwittingly entered the fourth floor hallway which is pretty much identical to the hallway bellow it. When she reached what she believed was her apartment she noticed that the door was unlocked, slightly ajar. She entered the unit and saw a silhouette in the dark. It was an intruder, a burglar! Guyger drew her firearm, issued verbal commands which were ignored, and opened fire. Bang-bang! The intruder was dead.

When Guyger turned on the light she realized that she mistakenly entered the wrong apartment. She had fatally shot her upstairs neighbor! Guyger was convinced that she had entered apt # 1378 but in reality she entered apt # 1478, a different floor. She took the life of an innocent man that was unarmed. The shooting transpired around 10:00 PM.

(Amber Renee Guyger, born in Dallas, Texas on 08/09/1988)

On 09/09/2018 Guyger turned herself in, she was charged with manslaughter but was released on bond. The trial didn’t begin until a year later on 09/23/2019. On 10/01/2019 Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder and sentenced to ten years in prison.

(Mr Botham Jean, born in St. Lucia on 09/29/1991)


On 09/23/2019 Amber Guyger felt the glare of national spotlight, definitely. During the trial Guyger stated that she had entered that apartment believing it was her own and that she opened fire because she feared for her life, since she believed she was in her own home she was within her rights to shoot in self defense…the castle doctrine.

Everything changed in 09/24/2019 when a key prosecution witness named Joshua Brown testified against Guyger. He lived across the hall from Botham Jean in apt # 1437 and he had something to say. According to Mr Brown, Jean confronted Guyger at his apartment door as she tried to get in. He then heard an exchange of words immediately followed by two gunshots. That’s Brown’s testimony. If what he says is true that means that Guyger showed up at Botham’s place with malicious intent. But why would Amber Guyger do such thing? Why would she ruin her career and go to jail?

(during her emotional testimony Amber Guyger said she was scared, that she feared the man that was inside her apartment was gonna kill her)

On the night of 10/04/2019 key witness Joshua Brown was shot and killed by Atera apartments, about six miles from South Side Flats. His testimony helped prosecutors piece together the events of Jean’s murder and ultimately Guyger’s conviction so…he paid the ultimate price, the puppet masters took him out. Some claim that he was shot in the mouth.

(Joshua Brown-Botham Jean: J.B-B.J = same initials in different order)


Something revolutionary transpired in the Dallas Police force on 09/05/2017: former deputy chief of Detroit Ulysha Renee Hall entered the Dallas Police Dept as Chief. She became the first woman to lead the Dallas police force, the ninth-largest Police Dept in the nation. When Ulysha accepted the job she left behind more than two decades with the Detroit Police Dept. U. Renee Hall began her tenure on early September 2017 but she was not sworn into office until 05/02/2018. A remarkable accomplishment! Her reign would not last for long. She ended up resigning on 11/10/2020, she stayed through the end of the year.

(Ulysha Renee Hall, the new top cop in Dallas, Texas. She filled the shoes of David O’Neal Brown, a tough guy)

There appears to be an indirect connection between Ulysha Renee Hall and Amber Guyger. It may sound like something far-fetched but if we scrutinize the event that resulted in the death of Botham Jean, we’ll see that there is a link between Ulysha and Amber. Let us see:

1- U. Renee Hall earned the rank of Chief on 09/05/2017. A year later a Dallas cop named Amber Guyger would shoot and kill an unarmed man in Dallas, Texas on 09/06/2018, pretty much on the same day: 09/05/17-09/06/18 (different year). A coincidence!

2- Both Ulysha and Amber share the same middle name: Renee. Ulysha ‘Renee’ Hall-Amber ‘Renee’ Guyger, they are both Renees (two strong women with the same middle name). Strange alignment of energies…

3- The South Side Flats apart complex and the Dallas Police Dept are on the same street: S. Lamar street, a few miles away from each other. On 03/27/2021 a portion of Lamar street was renamed the “Botham Jean Boulevard”, there was a ceremony and everything. The dedicated street sign says “Botham Jean” and it shows the numbers 1400 and 1300. As we already know Botham Jean lived in apt # 1478 and Amber Guyger lived in the unit right beneath him # 1378. 1478: 14. 1378: 13. 14-13 = 1400 & 1300. The numbers are aligned!

Basically, we’re talking here about a carefully orchestrated Masonic ritual; it is as if Amber Guyger was a sacrifice for the Dallas Police Dept. Guyger operated as the high priestess that would elevate the Dallas Police force with a battery-charging human sacrifice. The blood of an innocent man had to be spilled near the Dallas Police station in order to pontificate Ulysha Renee Hall as the new top cop. A rite of passage!

Ulysha Renee Hall replaced former Chief David Brown who served as Chief of the Dallas Police from 2010 till 2016 (a powerful personality). Joshua Brown, the guy who testified against Guyger on September 2019 was killed on the exact same day that officer David Brown retired from the force in 2016; on 10/04/2019 (same day-different year). Former Chief David Brown retired from the police on 10/04/2016. Joshua Brown is shot to death in Dallas, Texas on 10/04/2019 and David Brown retired from the Police on 10/04/2016. They have the same Last name: Brown. Very strange alignment of energies! It appears like Joshua Brown was a satiation offering for the former Chief of the Dallas Police Dept.


As we already know on October 1st 2019 Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder and sentenced to ten years in prison. She would serve her sentence in “Mountain View Unit” which is located on 2305 Ransom Rd Gatesville, Texas, 76528. When was it that Joshua Brown testified against Guyger? On 09/24/2019 which coincides with the feast of ‘Our Lady of Ransom’ in Roman Catholic liturgy. So, the Dallas Police Dept sacrifices Amber Guyger in a Masonic ritual to elevate U. Renee Hall. Amber Guyger literally becomes the “virgin Mary” of the Police force…holy, consecrated (a goddess). She is crucified on the Marian feast of Our Lady of Ransom, then she is sent to a prison that happens to be on ‘Ransom Rd’. Are these coincidences?


We already know that Amber Guyger murdered Botham Jean in cold blood on 09/06/2018. What important film was released that day? ‘The Predator’ came out on 09/06/2018, a science fiction-action film directed by Shane Black. The movie was dropped off in USA on 09/14/2018 but it premiered in the Toronto International Film Festival on 09/06/2018 (the day Botham Jean was killed). Is it a coincidence that this film was released on the very same day that Botham Jean was fatally shot? One could argue that it is just a coincidence. Well…there is more to it! If we examine The Predator’s official movie poster we will see that it says:

“Hunting season opens 9:14.”

This ladies and gentlemen is a code, encrypted information for those who have eyes to see. What kind of Last name is Guyger? Guyger is a German family name and it means ‘Hunter’, jeiger means hunter in German. The season opens on 9:14 is a reference to September and to Jean’s apt number. September is the 9th month and 14 is a code for apt # 1478 (Botham Jean’s dwelling unit). It literally means “On September the jeiger (Guyger) will kill the one who lives in apt # 14.” On 09/06/2018 Amber Guyger murdered Botham Jean, the one who dwelled in apt # 1478. Coincidences?

(The Predator, 2018 film directed by Shane Black. Notice that the background is orange like the jumpsuits that inmates wear in prison. It is as if someone is letting us know that the hunter will end up behind bars)

We’ve been programmed to believe that officer Guyger entered that apartment by accident, believing it was her own and all that crap…the whole thing was planned by the Dallas Police, carefully orchestrated. One could say that Amber Guyger is like a Hollywood actress guided by an invisible hand.

Also, if we take a close look at this other movie poster we will see that the target symbol is pointed at the heart. Where was it that Botham Jean was shot at? He was shot straight through the heart. Another bizarre coincidence…

Perhaps the CIA had a chat with Shane Black and told him to encrypt symbols in the movie posters? The CIA, the FBI, and the Dallas Police Dept knew ahead of time that a female cop was gonna kill an innocent man in Texas in September 2018. The whole thing was carefully orchestrated like a movie script.


We already know that Amber Guyger was a resident of South Side Flats and that she lived in apt # 1378 (1200 block of S. Lamar street). It is said that she moved into that dwelling unit a few months before the shooting incident (the shooting incident on 09/06/2018). If we count 1378 days in reverse from 09/06/2018 into the past we land in 11/28/2014. What happened in Texas on 11/28/2014? In the early morning of 11/28/2014 the Austin Police Dept killed a domestic terrorist named Larry Steven McQuilliams who was shooting indiscriminately at the Police. The guy was a lunatic and he caused absolute chaos, he had to be taken out. A Police bullet to the heart finished him. A bullet to the heart!

So, from 11/28/2014 to 09/06/2018 we have 1378 days, no less no more. And where did Amber Guyger live? In South Side Flats, apt # 1378! We’re talking here about Masonic ritual murder, an energetic transplant from Austin to Dallas, Texas. These wizards in Law Enforcement, they definitely know what they’re doing. We’re talking here about black magic at the governmental level!

(it is not by chance that the McQuilliams shooting rampage transpired on 11/28/2014. It had to be on the 28th day because Texas was admitted to the Union as the 28th State on 12/29/1845)


Can we say that the Dallas Police Dept is corrupt? Yes, for damn sure. Does that mean that every single Police officer working in that Dept is corrupt? No. But the ones in charge definitely know what the hell is going on. We are ruled by criminals, criminals protected by the Law.


It is clear that ex-officer Amber Guyger was selected from a data base. The Cabal needed a Caucasoid female Police officer that would fulfill certain requirements:

1- she had to be born in Dallas, Texas.
2- she had to be born in August 9th.
3- she had to be a tough-looking sexy woman, she didn’t have to be exceedingly beautiful but she had to be a little sexy.
4- her Family name had to be Guyger (jeiger means hunter in German).
5- her middle name had to be Renee to match with Ulysha Renee Hall (the Chief of the Dallas Police Dept).

Amber Renee Guyger was the woman for the job! She was a perfect match. Guyger was born in Dallas, Texas on 08/09/1988. There is no doubt that ex-Dallas cop Amber Guyger was selected from a data base.