
Monthly Archives: July 2013

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Will the government ever confirm aliens exist? Will we ever see disclosure? The government will not debunk neither confirm the existence of extraterrestrial species because they know the truth. The authoritative cabal knows that modern-day humans, that is, Homo Sapiens, are the product of large-scale genetic and neurological engineering done by a hyper-advanced humanoid-like extra-dimensional aliens called the Anunnaki. These primordial intraterrestrial beings are so incredibly advanced that they can bend the time-space continuum, they can travel into-and-out of our physical reality at will, they could shut us down if they wanted to. Basically, the super-powered bio-engineers are neither trespassers nor off-world visitors, they have been in planet earth since time immemorial. They dwell in another spatial dimension within the confines of our own world, they monitor our progress in secret and appoint the royal bloodlines.

Where is the proof? Well, the key to understanding close UFO encounters is found in quantum mechanics and consciousness. There is for example a mysterious wheel-like object engraved on a French jeton that was minted in the renaissance era, it looks remarkably like a disk-shaped UFO, the coin is about the size of a U.S. quarter-dollar, it was produced in Europe sometime between 1650-1680. If we pay close attention to the unusual circular object which seems to be rotating, we’ll see that it it bears semblance to a UFO, it looks like a giant shield, a plasmic mushroom or flower hovering in the sky. The compelling unidentified flying object literally looks like an extra-dimensional spacecraft that’s intelligently controlled, it’s surrounded by a force field as if it has traveled through warped space and time. The coin-like educational tool bears the Latin inscription ‘Opportunus adest’ which translates as ‘It is here at the opportune time.’ Overall, the ancient French jeton doesn’t prove that long-lasting Louis XIV of France, who ruled from 1643 to 1715, was a contactee, but what it does prove is that the French military and priestly elite knew about trans-dimensional alien vessels. They understood that every time there’s a reconfiguration in the power structure of earth, a shift in planetary consciousness, they show up. The great architect venerated by the Freemasons of English-speaking countries is a high-ranking shape-shifting humanoid-alien called Shamash, known by a variety of names in different countries and cultures. All-powerful Shamash oversees worlds, he can manipulate perceptible matter and therefore physical reality.

flying saucer France

(The giant spaceship depicted in the coin hovers effortlessly with no visible propulsion system, from the bottom is a rod or ray pointing downward)

How do we know for sure that the French jeton represents the ancient Mesopotamian god Shamash? Well, if we analyze and scrutinize the coin we’ll see that it contains a cryptic message, the engraving displays a giant rod-and-ring symbol which encases the paranormal UFO sighting. The encoded rod-and-ring sculpted on the coin is the royal insignia of the flame shouldered god Shamash, it is a symbol of his divine authority. Iconic Shamash which projected masculine energy was usually represented as a winged-floating solar disk crowned with two horn-like growths. Cross-dimensional Shamash was the supreme deity of the Assyrian pantheon and he reinforced the idea of divinely appointed rulers.

20240320_145642(The rod-and-ring symbol of Shamash resembles computing-based gesturing, it looks like a loading icon in a holographic touch-screen)

20240227_212505(Shamash was represented with a four-pointed star in the shape of a cross with four flames shooting out from between the star point, in a wheel enclosure that has two horn-looking protrusions)


There is a well-preserved black basalt stele written in Akkadian cuneiform that features the Mesopotamian sun god Shamash, god of truth and justice, seated as an enthroned judge, the monument is currently housed in the Louvre museum in Paris. The upper part of the law code stele of Hammurabi shows dominant Shamash holding out to the empowered sovereign the ring-and-staff symbol. The Babylonian ruler embodying Shamash’s exceptional leadership holds his hands over his mouth as a sign of prayer, in submission to his lord and God. Basically, the famous law stele of king Hammurabi depicts a super-powered ultraterrestrial named Shamash handing the rod-and-ring symbol of divine authority to his devout servant. This futuristic-looking ring-and-staff symbol is the exact same symbol that appears in the French jeton minted during the reign of the Sun King Louis XIV. It is said that the textual corpus called the law code stele of Hammurabi was discovered in 1901 in the ancient Elamite city of Susa in present-day Iran.

HAMMURABI ENTHRONED0002(The seven foot tall law code stele of king Hammurabi of Babylon, it is possible that Hammurabi was descended from human-alien hybrids)