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Is remote viewing possible? Is there such thing as remote viewing? Remote viewing which is commonly known as psychic spying is the paranormal ability of seeking impressions about a distant-unseen object, person, or future event that is hidden from physical view and separated at a distance. The psychic remote viewer transcends the time-space continuum to remotely view or astral travel and acquire accurate data-info about a distant non-local place, without using the five physical senses. Remote viewing or anomalous cognition is about sensing with the mind’s eye to collect military intelligence, the participant is able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how he got the info. Is it possible, is it conceivable, that some artists are psychic remote viewers? Perhaps they are remote viewers and they don’t even know that they were? Maybe the highly trained initiated artists or channelers encoded in their drawings and paintings secret knowledge that had been given to them by disincarnate spirits or disembodied souls. Remote viewing or second sight is different from automatic drawing or psychic painting, where a spirit produces the drawing or painting while mentally taking control of the medium’s body. The artist produces artwork without consciously painting, the spirit manipulates the artist’s hand in a hypnotic trance, therefore the artwork is attributed to a supernatural force. Our past loved ones can communicate with us after passing away and may warn us for possible harm.

Many years ago around 2002, I made a compelling painting while living in midtown in Atlanta, Georgia. I wouldn’t say that the acrylic on canvas was produced in a trance-like state, but I was in a meditative state, almost in a state of nothingness, as if a spirit or an invisible force was guiding my hand. Overall the dark-gloomy painting has a ghostly-netherworld feel to it, the artwork shows a large-heavy black book that has fallen over a man that’s laying on the floor with his right arm folded. The man looks like he’s been hit like lightning bolts, he looks semi-paralized. Someone or something has tried to stab him with a half of scissors, but there is a shield that protects him. On the top left side of the painting there is a stormy pitch-black sky that morphs into a large piece of black cloth, a stage curtain that’s being lifted diagonally. There is a menacing looking wolf with bared teeth, the beast morphs into two. And last but not least, there is a building right above the fallen man that emerges from the curtain that’s raised unevenly. The grayish-looking wall seems to represent a prison cell, an opened jail cell which straps you of all sense of individuality. Or perhaps a psych ward? Basically, the painting shows bits and pieces of a movie that has a non-linear structure, a visual story told as a movie broken into small parts, like pieces of a puzzle.

(Acrylic on canvas by Cuban American artist Nizin R. Lopez)

To make a long story short, back in 2002 I foresaw a distant future event, a life-and-death situation I was supposed to experience in early 2024. The golden-orange watch under the lifted stage curtain is an encryption-code, it represents the oversoul of a friend of the family name Simkovsky, who gave me a watch decorated with Hebrew letters years ago. From the afterlife frequency he’s letting me know that he sent me a telepathic imprint arranged in a non-linear fashion with all the data. I was able to anticipate a life-altering episode that would take place in South Florida on January 16, 2024, but I definitely had help. On the afternoon of January 16, 2024 some people recruited by the Florida City Police Department tried to frame me inside a Dollar Tree store, they set me up, so that I would be arrested under fabricated charges, like a murder-for-hire plot. The surreal painting was essentially a warning:

“Nizin, Nizin…the Miami-Dade Police is trying to fabricate evidence against you to wrongfully convict you, you’re a targeted individual. On January 16, 2024 you’re gonna walk into the Dollar Tree store situated in Florida City, right next to Bravo supermarket by S Dixie Hwy. There will be a black woman there with two children inside a shopping cart that has been planted inside the store, she is a paid crisis actress recruited by the so-called authorities. The harmless-looking woman is gonna be standing next to the register, her children will appear to be wrestling inside the cart, shaking violently. When you’re in the process of paying for your items by the register, the cunning woman is gonna lean on the shopping cart, tipping over the entire cart on its side, slamming the children really hard on the floor. The children have been coached, they have been given precise instructions, they will be crying as they crawl on the floor. Basically, the idea behind that carefully orchestrated situational scenario is to trigger an emotional response. The puppet masters wanna get you on video trying to rescue the children, they want you to physically touch them, so that then they can charge you with kidnapping or inappropriate touching or something. It’s a frame-up, a set-up, a take down operation! The bottom line is that when you see the shopping cart being tilted and the children falling out of it, don’t help. Just ignore them, as if they don’t even exist.”

The nightmarish painting I did back in the days was not just a painting, it was a warning, a wake-up call, the universe beamed all that imagery into my brain like a puzzle-like telepathic imprint or an instant download. It was like a movie out of order broken into pieces on top of each other, arranged in a non-linear structure. Let us decode the painting:

1- There are three circles or spheres in the painting: The round moon by the dark clouds, the golden watch hovering in mid-air, and the large reddish half-moon by the wolf’s open mouth. These three circles are a code for the exact location of the event that would transpire on 1/16/2024. These circles represent the logo of three different stores by S Dixie Hwy, the AT&T logo, the Bravo supermarket logo, and the Dollar Tree logo.

2- The large red circle in the painting by the wolf’s mouth is connected to the rainbow on the top right, when combined they are equivalent to the logo of Bravo supermarket, the grocery store situated right next to the Dollar Tree store.

3- The floating watch in the painting is obviously round, it stands on top of a scalene-obtuse looking triangular shape of the brick wall behind it, the lifted curtain creates a triangle shape. The round watch and the triangle are linked to the greenish flower on the ground, all these are equivalent to the green logo of the Dollar Tree store. The logo of the Dollar Tree store is essentially a circle (like the watch), two folded green leaves (like the green flower), and a white triangle with a number 1 on it (like the triangle shape of the wall).

4- The opened door in the painting touches the folded black cloth which exposes the wall, they form a large number 1, equivalent to the black number 1 of the Dollar Tree logo.

5- The wolf in the painting is really two wolves, not just one, they’re on top of two pieces of paper detached from the black fallen book on the floor. These two ferocious canines symbolize the perversity of the twisted woman who coerced and manipulated the two child actors that slammed on the floor.

6- The black book on the floor looks like someone lifted up and smashed it on top of the guy laying down, it kind of looks like a two car rollover crash. This book represents the weaponized shopping cart with the two minors in it, which slammed hard on the floor.

(What appears to be a scissor blade is really part of a shopping cart wheel)

7- The paralyzed man lying on the floor represents me, the scissor-blade symbolizes the cold-calculated premeditated attack on me on 1/16/2024, but it failed miserably. There are supernatural forces watching over me.

Conclusions: Clairvoyant remote viewing is 100 % real but it is not perfect, the remote viewer transcends the time-space continuum and sees with his mind’s eye, he’s like a camera-receiver getting glimpses of the distant future. Remote viewing overlaps with after-death communication, since the psychic medium taps into the Akashic records.

(Back in 2002 I also did this abstract drawing which sort of resembles the AT&T logo, I was remote viewing the building next to the Dollar Tree store in Florida City)

(AT&T building situated next to Bravo supermarket and the Dollar Tree store in S Dixie Hwy)

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