Warning: You may see advertisements partially covering the page content, the FBI is doing that deliberately to sabotage my article. Also, they’re using technology to ensure that some of the images I uploaded don’t upload.


My name is Nizin R. Lopez, I’m a 48-year-old ilegally targeted citizen residing in Homestead, Florida. I’m what you call a targeted individual, a victim of multi-layered coordinated stalking and electronic harassment sponsored by the SEFFC, headquarters of the Miami-Dade Police Department. Basically, the corrupt Miami-Dade Police is working overtime to put me in jail under bullshit charges, they’re desperately trying to fabricate evidence against me to wrongfully convict me. This modern-day witch-hunt has been going on since early 2011 until the present, I’m still standing.

(Nizin R. Lopez, sworn enemy of the criminal network called the Miami-Dade Police Department)

A few years back I said to myself, ” Will I ever know the name of the crooked cop who’s in charge of this elaborate never-ending takedown operation? Will I ever be able to see him face to face?” I can’t remember if it was in 2021 or in 2022, I accidentally ran into a ‘Doors’ cd in a nearby Walmart, it was a compilation album released in 2008. The album cover featured lead vocalist and songwriter Jim Morrison on a metallic-silvery background, Jim had a calm but stern look; he makes a vague hand gesture on top of the band’s logo. On top of the cd it says: ‘The future starts here.’ When I saw that I said to myself:

“Jim, a native or Melbourne Florida, is wearing a Santeria-looking necklace and his right hand kind of looks like a Sephardic Hamsa pendant! Ha ha.”

(The mighty James Douglas Morrison was born in Melbourne, Florida on 12/8/1943 and died in Paris, France on 7/3/1971)

So, I purchased the cd and I listen to it almost every single night when I go to sleep, religiously. What does this have to do with me being targeted by the police? Apparently nothing. On the afternoon of February 12, 2024 I walked to a cellphone store situated in Homestead to pay my monthly bill. The robust-looking Cuban employee who assisted me that day was giving me a hard time for no reason at all, he refused to accept a cash payment, for some reason he demanded to have direct access to my physical cellphone, which I found to be odd. I noticed that the guy was wearing a necklace with a Hamsa hand. Suddenly I felt a chill going down my spine, I understood that he was an undercover cop and that he was trying to pull off an elaborate cyber-trick in order to frame me. His name tag said ‘Edwin’, which indicated that his real name was Eduardo or Edward. I refused to give him direct access to my cellphone. Back on May 10, 2022 a dirty cop named Eduardo G——z posed as an employee from the City of Homestead’s Public Works/Solid Waste and sent me a letter insulting my manhood. In the letter he referred to me as ‘Mrs. Nizin Lopez’, he was hoping to trigger an emotional response. The cunning cop wanted me to call him and tell him off, he was hoping that I would send him a threat via a text message or a voice message. He would report it to his command staff, his buddies, and they would have arrested me on the spot. They would have charged me with sending a menacing text or voice message to a law enforcement officer or perhaps with aggravated stalking, something along that line. It was essentially a takedown operation but they failed miserably.

(In parapsychology psychometry is when a person can sense or read the history of an inanimate object by merely touching it, the person can receive impressions)

Now that I look back in time, it seems to me as if the universe, which is all-knowing, sent me an eye-opening sign and synchronicity through that Doors’ cd in Walmart, I was at the right place at the right time. It is a very bizarre coincidence that if the word ‘Door’ is repeated over and over again (Door-Door-Door…), like a mantra, one obtains ‘Doordo’, which in turn sounds like the Spanish name ‘Eduardo.’ It may sound far-fetched like something from the sci-fi movie ‘The Matrix’, but it does make some sense in a weird way; it is not pareidolia.


I don’t have any concrete factual evidence to prove it but, I believe that I gravitated toward that particular cd and that cd gravitated toward me. The universe sent me a subtle signal and a synchronicity to alert me, almost like a puzzle-like telepathic imprint or an instant download, arranged in a non-linear fashion. I could have easily overlooked that sign, but I did not ignore it, I kept an open mind because I know that sometimes these hints carry profound meaning, especially when it comes to a life-and-death situation. To make a long story short, without actually telling me, the universe was telling me the following:

“The Miami-Dade cop who’s harassing you and torturing you systematically with organized intimidation stalking and electronic harassment, he wears a necklace with a Hamsa, his name is Eduardo. When you stand next to him in a public place you will automatically decode his toxic auric field, effortlessly. You’re a psychic medium and a remote viewer, you’ll know. When you look into his eyes you will know it is him for sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt.”

I connected the dots! I’m not saying or implying that Jim Morrison contacted me from the afterlife frequency, all I’m saying is that I was able to identify the cop who has been harassing and terrorizing me all these years. I got lucky somehow.

(The Hamsa is a protective hand-looking symbol that is used by both Sephardic Jews and Muslims)


On April 2022 the Miami-Dade Police used high-tech to shut down my Safelink Wireless cellphone service, they forced me to order a new upgraded cellphone. I received the new mobile phone on May 10, 2024, when I held it in my hand my gut feeling told me that it was tapped, cloned or mirrored to somebody else’s account, without my knowledge or consent. So, I got rid of it! Coincidentally, on May 11, 2024 I received the famous letter from Eduardo, in the signed letter he provides not one but two contact numbers for the Solid Waste Division. I wonder, could it be possible, is it conceivable, that one of those numbers is registered to a minor? My intuition tells me that astute Eduardo wanted me to call one of those two numbers with a phone that was monitored by spy software.

(In the letter which was signed on 5/9/2022, Eduardo provides two phone numbers for the Solid Waste Division)

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