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Is remote viewing possible? Is there such thing as clairvoyant remote viewing? Remote viewing which is commonly known as psychic spying is the paranormal ability of seeking impressions about a distant-unseen object, person, or future event that is hidden from physical view and separated at a distance. The psychic remote viewer transcends the time-space continuum to remotely view or astral travel and acquire accurate data-info about a distant non-local place, without using the five physical senses. Remote viewing or anomalous cognition is about sensing with the mind’s eye to collect military intelligence, the participant is able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how he got the info. Is it possible, is it conceivable, that some artists are psychic remote viewers? Perhaps they are remote viewers and they don’t even know that they were? Maybe the highly trained initiated artists or channelers encoded in their drawings and paintings secret knowledge that had been given to them by disincarnate spirits or disembodied souls. Remote viewing or second sight is different from automatic drawing or psychic painting, where a spirit produces the drawing or painting while mentally taking control of the medium’s body. The artist produces artwork without consciously painting, the spirit manipulates the artist’s hand in a hypnotic trance, therefore the artwork is attributed to a supernatural force. Our past loved ones can communicate with us after passing away and may warn us for possible harm.

Many years ago, back in June 19, 2017, exactly five days after the anniversary of my father’s passing, I produced a compelling drawing while residing in Cutler Bay, Florida. I wouldn’t say that I created that drawing in a trance-like state, but I did it in a meditative state, in a state of nothingness. The majestic ink on paper depicts a mighty hero of Gilgamesh status, a man plagued by tragedy that has been backstabbed thirteen times, yet he stands strong and accepts having been betrayed. The jackal-headed god Anubis, lord of the gloomy netherworld, delivers a near-deadly blow to the man, the man falls to the ground, but he bounces off and recovers. The man’s heart is weighed on a scale against Ma’at’s feather of truth, his heart has been pierced five times, but it’s equal to the weight of the feather of truth. Monstrous-looking Ammit doesn’t get to devour the hero’s heart because he has walked in the path of thunder. Ultimately, the resplendent hero transcends corporeal-physical reality and becomes enlightened, illuminated, he becomes a demigod, no longer human.

(Ink on paper by Cuban American artist Nizin R. Lopez)

It took me years to understand that this elaborate drawing was not just a drawing, it was a divine revelation, as if the universe, which is all-knowing, was sending me an eye-opening message, a puzzle-like telepathic imprint or instant download, like broken pieces of a movie arranged in a non-linear fashion. The pitch-black cosmos beamed into my head a visual representation from my higher-self to let me know that I had been betrayed by the people I trusted the most. Facing the fact that you have been backstabbed by people that you trusted the most is devastating, it shakes you to the very core, it’s an all-consuming pain that can eat you alive, if you let it. But I didn’t allow it to consume me, instead, I turned the unbearable pain into power. Since I am numb and feel nothing, I am more than human, I am superhuman! It may sound odd but I remembered Hannibal Lecter’s quote from the 2002 film ‘Red Dragon’:

“What a collection of scars you have. Never forget who gave you the best of them, and be grateful; our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real.”

(Red Dragon, 2002 film directed by Brett Ratner)

Anthony Hopkins’ wise words definitely resonated with me, in the end being betrayed is the best thing that happened to me really, I execrated toxic people from my social circle, I cleared my auric energy field, I recovered by power. I would like to respectfully clarify that I don’t pretend to be perfect or a saint, but overall I have been a pretty decent guy throughout my life. As of today I’m a clear-sighted no-nonsense individual, stony-hearted, I don’t allow psychic vampires to manipulate me and walk all over me, their intent is to benefit my enemies. Their pungent stench has become unbearable, their corruption is piled high. I recovered my power and I like being super-powered! I am one with the universe.

Conclusions: Beyond the shadow of a doubt clairvoyant remote viewing is 100% real, it can help you navigate through difficult circumstances in life. Remote viewing seems to overlap with psychic mediumship, as if an unseen supernatural force guides the remote viewer.

(Targeted individual survivor Nizin R. Lopez)

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