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Will the government ever confirm aliens exist? Will we ever see disclosure? What do aliens look like? Are large-hairy upright earth dwellers like Bigfoot and wolf-human hybrids cross-dimensional aliens? Are they the offspring of human/alien breeding experiments gone wrong? The government will not debunk neither confirm the existence of extraterrestrial species because they know the truth, the authoritative cabal knows that humanoid-like aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years, since time immemorial, they seeded us through highly sophisticated methods of genetic engineering. The technology of these off-world visitors is so incredibly advanced that they can bend the time-space continuum, they can travel into-and-out of our physical reality at will, they could shut us down if they wanted to. Basically, they are not really extraterrestrials but metaterrestrials or ultraterrestrials, since they dwell in another spatial dimension parallel to ours, realms the human eye cannot see. The key to understanding UFOs is found in quantum mechanics and expansion of consciousness.

(Drawing by Cuban American artist Nizin R. Lopez, tribute to countess Erzsebet Bathory of Hungary, the tigress of Cachtice)

So, what about large-hairy human-like creatures like Sasquatch and wolf-human hybrids, are they flesh-and-blood creatures or trans-dimensional? Are they the product of a current super-secret government genetics program or, are they the result of scientific tinkering done thousands of years ago in Sumer by the Anunnaki bio-engineers? It turns out a lot of myths are straight history! There have been reported sightings in the United States and Canada, and many other places as well, of otherworldly two-legged wolf-like creatures that seem to emanate from another reality. Native Americans believe these canid-humanoid beings are all-too-real, they are essentially a universal truth living in our own backyard, for the most part they are not ill-intentioned toward humans. They are apex predators with sharp claws and formidable fangs, but they’re not interested in injuring humans.

These perceivable cryptids are usually seen in national parks or forested nature areas, sometimes near military bases, it is believed they use natural freshwater springs as trans-realm conduits. These half-canine half-human creatures can walk upright when they want to, they are quadrupet as well as bipedal, they mostly stand on their hind legs. They run on all fours to keep a low profile and to make humans believe they are weird-looking werewolves, they can definitely stand up in their back legs and walk like a human. Many of the people who see these highly intelligent wolf-human hybrids experience time slips, as if their sense of reality has been flipped over, as if they’ve been abducted in a way. Eyewitnesses report that the lupine creatures with yellow-amber eyeshine gazed directly at them forming an instant bond, almost like telepathy, as if they implanted thoughts in their brains. Their purposeful stare is extremely powerful, as if they’re scanning souls. Apparently these bipedal creatures seem to have limited teleportation abilities, they can travel through treetops and they can vanish into thin air. The shape-shifters are linked to glowing orbs floating in a landscape imprinted with traumatic events and they are also linked to openings in the sky, like inter-dimensional portals. These beings are definitely known in modern-day western society but they’re not acknowledged by mainstream science for obvious reasons.

What exactly do these rare canids look like? Well, they’re usually described as being seven-foot-tall wolf-human hybrids, they can switch from four-legged to two-legged, they’re incredibly agile. They’re fur-covered with a large head with remarkably human features, they have pointed ears. They’re described as upright and broad-shouldered with a huge chest and an arched back, their forelimbs are extended canine paws with sharp claws, they have backward knee joints, they rear up in their back legs and walk. To summarize it, they are super-intelligent spirit entities that can travel between dimensions and become solidified when they wish. The all-powerful government doesn’t want the general public to know that they’re out there prowling modern woods and roadways, because cannot control them. So, if you’re out there in a heavily forested area or near a cemetery and you see a muscular-looking dogman growling at you, chances are you’re probably not hallucinating, you may be seeing the semi-divine progeny of the Anunnaki of ancient Sumer: a hybrid Nephilim. To this very day there is a bronze statuette of the ancient Assyrian god Pazuzu housed in the Louvre museum in Paris, the monstrous-looking creature associated with the gloomy netherworld has dog-like features, it literally looks like a winged demon. Pazuzu is considered to be the lord of plagues, he’s a deity associated with tragedy and calamity.

(The ancient Assyrian demon Pazuzu combines human and animal features, he stands on two powerful eagle-like talons with claws)

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