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Is remote viewing possible? Is there such thing as remote viewing? Remote viewing which is commonly known as psychic spying is the paranormal ability of seeking impressions about a distant-unseen object, person, or future event that is hidden from physical view and separated at a distance. The psychic remote viewer transcends the time-space continuum to remotely view or astral travel and acquire accurate data-info about a distant non-local place, without using the five physical senses. Remote viewing or anomalous cognition is about sensing with the mind’s eye to collect military intelligence, the participant is able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how he got the info. Is it possible, is it conceivable, that some artists are psychic remote viewers? Perhaps they are remote viewers and they don’t even know that they were? Maybe the highly trained initiated artists or channelers encoded in their drawings and paintings secret knowledge that had been given to them by disincarnate spirits or disembodied souls. Remote viewing or second sight is different from automatic drawing or psychic painting, where a spirit produces the drawing or painting while mentally taking control of the medium’s body. The artist produces artwork without consciously painting, the spirit manipulates the artist’s hand in a hypnotic trance, therefore the artwork is attributed to a supernatural force. Our past loved ones can communicate with us after passing away and may warn us for possible harm.

Many years ago around mid 1996 I painted a large acrylic on canvas while living in East Hialeah, a compelling human-sized painting. I wouldn’t say that I produced that dark-nightmarish artwork while in a trance-like state, but I definitely did it in a meditative state, in a state of nothingness if you will. It was as if I was allowing my oversoul or higher self, my holy guardian angel, to speak to through me. I didn’t know it at the time, but I indeed channeled a mega-event that would reverberate in the ether for quite some time, for a period of years. Somehow I predicted in 1996 something that I would experience in the distant future, a calamity of cosmic proportions.

(Acrylic on canvas by Cuban American artist Nizin R. Lopez)

(This is me back in October 1996, I had long hair and I was skinny)

The focal point of the hellish painting is a sort of muscular long-haired man leaning towards the right, he is experiencing excruciating pain and suffering, but he has a mind of steel, he is indomitable. There is an evil spirit, a solidified cube-shaped entity floating next to his head, the bio-cybernetic organism is spewing black spectral-looking tentacles that are blinding the hero, temporarily. The grayish reconfigurable cube is comparable to a parasite, it is linked to three other geometric-looking attendants that are on the left side. On the left-most side at the bottom of the painting there is a chubby kid hanging upside-down, he is linked to the hovering cube on the top, like a bat hanging upside-down inside a cave. The child with hollow-black eyes is an abomination. On top of the hero’s head there is a luminous aperture like a halo, a tear in the very fabric of physical reality itself, it is a bluish-divine light. The beautiful light is soft but it is extremely powerful and positive. Out of the inter-dimensional portal on top of the man’s head there is a spectral-looking human hand that touches his eyes, inspiring him. The translucent-bluish hand represents God-Source anointing the tortured soul, as if saying:

“You are destined for great-horrible things, unspeakable horrors, things that cannot be put into words. But at the core level you are noble and good, no matter what they throw at you and no matter for how long, you will certainly prevail over your adversaries. All their lies shall be exposed and everyone will see the truth. You must show them no mercy.”

(The 2006 epic historical film ‘Apocalypto’ directed by Mel Gibson depicts Maya warriors painted in blue, they’re sacrificial victims)

To make a long story short, sometime around 2000 I re-connected with a Cuban family I knew from my native town in Las Villas and they in turn introduced me to a family from Caibarien. Sometime after I was kicked out of Miami-Dade college either in late 2009 or early 2010, the Miami-Dade Police knocked on their doors to ask them questions about me. Those two families didn’t want that kind of attention so they decided to get rid of me because I knew their secrets, they made a false accusation against me, a coup d’etat. They claim that I molested their autistic son which is totally false, they did the whole thing in secrecy, not openly. As a result the FBI and the Police placed me in the secret-illegal long-term unconstitutional harassment-torture program known as the ‘Targeted Individual program’, a trauma-based mind control program that is a combination of multi-layered coordinated stalking and electronic harassment, that is, harassment and torture with military non-lethal electro-magnetic pulsed directed energy weapons. The ultimate goal of the T.I. program is to force the locked-on target to lash out or to self-destruct, their God-like technology is traceless. Basically, they lured me over to the edge of a cliff, they pushed me over the cliff, and left me for dead! But I survived and I am here to stay.

(This scene from the 1982 sword and sorcery film ‘Conan the Barbarian’ shows the hero Conan crucified to a tree in the desert and left to perish)

So, back in 1996 when I painted that large acrylic on canvas, I was able to foresee the future, with my mind’s eye I was able to astral travel and remote view the great challenge that awaited me, a series of supposedly impossible labours. My mind was like a camera-receiver that obtained glimpses from the future and pieces of a complex puzzle, I acquired non-local info from distant people, place and event. Beyond the shadow of a doubt clairvoyant remote viewing falls under the category of a human sixth sense, it sort of overlaps with after-death communication.

(Targeted individual survivor Nizin R. Lopez)

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