Warning: Do not read this online article if you’re not 18-years-old.


What exactly is a soul contract and how does it work? This is not easy to explain but a soul contract is decided prior to incarnating in a physical body, before birth, there is a type of spiritual agreement between the soul and archontic rulers or spiritual guides, agreeing to overcome nearly impossible challenges in his lifetime. If let’s say hypothetically the soul committed horrible crimes in ancient Syria during the reign of iron-willed Sennacherib in 701 B.C.E., impaling humans alive on long poles, severing heads, and flaying people alive, that soul must atone for those sins in a future lifetime. The soul must sign a pre-incarnation contract to explore a journey of predetermined negative experiences, maximizing pain and suffering, so that the soul is purified and ultimately healed. The lords of karma in the higher dimensions make sure to block past life memories so that the soul doesn’t remember anything. In some specific cases the spirit guides will sent telepathic imprints and instant downloads to the soul from the afterlife frequency, to guide him into the right path. As if saying, “Remember what you agreed to in this life scenario!”

A few years back around July 2, 2011, I painted a compelling acrylic on canvas in Miami Gardens, I wouldn’t say that I produced that dark-surreal painting in a trance-like state, but I did it in a sort of meditative state, almost in a state of nothingness. The colorful painting with obvious religious overtones depicts a resplendent Jesus-Oannes, he is victorious, he has prevailed over his adversaries and has overcome all obstacles. On his right shoulder there is a worn out garment soaked in blood, symbolizing the completion of his perfect blood-sacrifice. In the center of the painting there is a bluish metallic disc-shaped object that resembles a UFO, it is hovering effortlessly above the ground. There are two Assyrian lions on each side, the lions are vomiting blood after having been shot with arrows multiple times, their facial expression is of agony. The buckets of blood gushing out of the beasts’ mouths is deposited in two separate tear-shaped apertures on the labyrinthine disc. From under the metallic-polished plate protrude thirteen pipes arranged like an upside-down candelabra, they point downward toward an obscure figure that lies prostrate. The metallic pipes or tubes contain six corrosion-resistant openings that are spewing a poisonous gas, the other seven tubes are shaped like transparent laboratory test tubes. They are shaped like claws, they contain the sacred blood of the two lions. The lion standing in front of Jesus’ right shoulder is in front of the other lion on the left, representing the path of light which leads to serenity.

(Acrylic on canvas by Cuban American artist Nizin R. Lopez)

To make a long story short, this painting is not just a painting, it is a blueprint with precise instructions, it was sent to me by the archons outside of the simulation. Basically, the spirit guides that interacted with me when I signed the soul contract, prior to incarnating, they sent me a telepathic imprint from the afterlife to remind me of my difficult mission. It is essentially a form of after-death communication or channeling, where I spontaneously receive and translate non-physical info, imagery, unlimited by conventional notions of space and time. As a psychic medium and clairvoyant remote viewer, the great creative force flows to me, the thoughts or images are not my own. We’re talking here about automatic drawing where a spirit produces the artwork while mentally taking control of the medium’s body, temporarily. The visual representation is attributed not to the artist but to a supernatural force. Basically, this painting is like a phone call from another spatial dimension. My guides were telling me the following:

“Remember your mission! You didn’t come into the world to be happy, you came into the world to become stronger and greater, by the time you leave the physical plane you will be a demigod. As we discussed it prior to your descent into physical reality, there is a past life that is hijacking your present life. To restore balance, you must undergo impossible challenges, indescribable pain and suffering. So that the scales of justice tip in your favor, you must attempt to self-destruct on December 26, 2012 and on December 10, 2013, at a great risk of death, to within and inch of your life. Warm blood will cascade from the serious injuries on your lacerated neck on both assigned dates, the wounds will be so deep and so severe that you will have an out-of-body experience. You will astral travel but you will not cross over into the afterlife, you will not die. After the blood-ritual has been completed in blind and perfect faith, you will certainly prevail over your adversaries, they will kneel before you and bow down to you. Nobody will be able to conquer you because we have accepted your blood offering. Anyone who dares to oppose you will be utterly destroyed.”

Back in 2011 I was able to remote view into the distant future, I received mental impressions about two distant-unseen tragic events that would heavily impact my present-day life in a positive manner. I transcended the time-space continuum to astral travel and acquire accurate data-info, I sensed with my mind’s eye. Last but not least, it is a very eerie coincidence that the second blood transaction transpired in an apartment situated right next to an Iranian cultural center in Miami-Dade County. It was as if it was a gateway to one of my past lives in the ancient Middle East, when I first moved into that secluded apartment I had no clue that the house next door operated as a social club for Iranians. Very bizarre to say the least!

(This painting was done around 1994 and it seems to depict two otherworldly beings that look like Grey aliens)

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