“We are ready to use weapons that we have not used before.”

(The words of spokesperson for the Iranian parliament Abolfazi Amouei on 4/16/2024)

On Sunday May 19, 2024 it was reported the the president of the Islamic republic of Iran, 63-year-old Ebrahim Raisi, died in remote northwestern Iran in a helicopter crash. The cause of the crash is unclear, the mysterious accident near the border of Azerbaijan transpired at the height of the Israel-Hamas war which started on October 7, 2023, on the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur war. Coincidentally, on Monday May 20, 2024, the International Criminal Court based in the Netherlands declared that they’re seeking an arrest warrant for the Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, both on war crimes and crimes against humanity. This is the first time that an ICC prosecutor is equating the actions of pro-western Israel with the those of Hamas, a militant Islamic terrorist organization that has run war-battered Gaza for many years.

Basically, the ICC is saying or better said, is implying, that Ashkenazi Israel is guilty of widespread ethnic cleansing and genocide in long-suffering Gaza, International rule of law does apply to Israel. This means in practical terms that the sudden death of the leader of Iran Ebrahim Raisi was not an accident, he was ritually murdered by the Iranian government, they offered him as an elevation offering to prevail militarily over Israel in World War III. By killing the high-ranking cleric and Yahya Sinwar, the Ayatollas ensure that the scales will tip to their favor, toppling Netanyahu’s fading regime. The totalitarian Iranians are essentially using ceremonial magic to uproot long-tenured Benjamin Mileikowsky from the territory of Israel, and to ensure European recognition of the sovereign state of Palestine. They succeeded drawing a moral equivalence between Israel and barbaric Hamas, dragging Israel down into the bottomless pit. Last but not least, it is important to understand that Bibi Netanyahu of Tel Aviv-Yafo is the reincarnation of the ancient Levantine king Yaua Bit Humri, who knelt before the great Assyrian king Shalmanaser III, son of Ashurnasirpal II. Iron-willed Shalmanaser III ruled supreme from 859 to 824 B.C.E., he was a contemporary of the 22nd dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Osorkon II. The genuine-historical personage Yaua Bit Humri is equivalent to the Biblical Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi, mentioned in II Kings 9:13. The Bible says that he was anointed as king of Israel by the army and that his remains are interred in Samaria, allegedly.

(The archaeological artifact known as the black limestone obelisk of Shalmanaser III shows the tribute bearer Yaua Bit Humri kneeling before the great king)

(Asiatic captive from the 18th dynasty period, believed to be an Apiru or Habiru from northern Syria)

The bottom line is that Iran-backed Hamas is not going down without a fight, if Gaza is to be erased, they’ll fight tooth-and-nail to hurt Israel one way or another. The battle-hardened Gazans are ready to die as martyrs, just like they did in 332 B.C.E. when Alexander III of Macedonia blasted their fortified city and sold them into slavery. Conclusions: On May 19, 2024 the Iranians resorted to human sacrifice, with the intention of winning God’s favor in warfare. The roots of Iran are much deeper than Israel’s, the present-day Ashkenazi Jews living in Israel are the offspring of the Turkic-Slavic Khazars who converted to Judaism en masse in 740 C.E., after Christianity and Islam were firmly established. The Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnasus says in ‘The Histories’ that in the days of the 26th dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Psamtik I, a Scythian horde swept over the territories of Syria-Palestine, like Apiru marauders. The well-armed numerous barbarians reached the Egyptian border but did not cross into sovereign Egyptian territory, they turned back, some paid special attention to the coastal city of Ascalon north of Gaza.

(The majestic book ‘The thirteenth tribe’ written by the Hungarian Ashkenazi Jew Arthur Koestler reveals Israel’s deepest secret)


The plane crash in northern Iran transpired on May 19, 2024, two hundred and twenty four days after the start of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, 2023. The mysterious plane was was not an accident, it was done deliberately, it was a pagan rite meant to invigorate Shia Iran, Hezbollah, and Iran-backed Hamas. There is a high probability that an autonomous-sovereign Palestinian state will be formally recognized by Western European powers in 2024. On May 18, 2024 a bright bluish fireball like a comet fragment lit up the skies of Spain and Portugal, it was a sign.

10/7/2023 – 5/19/2024 = 224 days = year 2024 = Palestine recognized by the International community.

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